Big Love Special Bouquet
Fresh Flowers
Florist’s choice chosen with the seasons in mind
Collection only from Garden Studio in Saltaire, please see below:
Our Big Love special bouquets are chosen specifically from the best seasonal varieties available. Guided by the blooms we will pair them to create a gorgeous colour palette and naturalistic style.
We have two different sizes on offer and each will be hand tied with a ribbon, wrapped in paper and arranged in a beautiful presentation box sitting in a simple glass vase for freshness.
The images shown serve only as an example of our house style and are not indicative of the bouquet that will be made. Our florist’s choice blooms might vary dependent on availability.
Please note this item is available for Click and Collect only. Simply select Saltaire collection in the checkout and we will contact you to arrange a convenient time for collection.
Fresh Flowers
Florist’s choice chosen with the seasons in mind
Collection only from Garden Studio in Saltaire, please see below:
Our Big Love special bouquets are chosen specifically from the best seasonal varieties available. Guided by the blooms we will pair them to create a gorgeous colour palette and naturalistic style.
We have two different sizes on offer and each will be hand tied with a ribbon, wrapped in paper and arranged in a beautiful presentation box sitting in a simple glass vase for freshness.
The images shown serve only as an example of our house style and are not indicative of the bouquet that will be made. Our florist’s choice blooms might vary dependent on availability.
Please note this item is available for Click and Collect only. Simply select Saltaire collection in the checkout and we will contact you to arrange a convenient time for collection.
Fresh Flowers
Florist’s choice chosen with the seasons in mind
Collection only from Garden Studio in Saltaire, please see below:
Our Big Love special bouquets are chosen specifically from the best seasonal varieties available. Guided by the blooms we will pair them to create a gorgeous colour palette and naturalistic style.
We have two different sizes on offer and each will be hand tied with a ribbon, wrapped in paper and arranged in a beautiful presentation box sitting in a simple glass vase for freshness.
The images shown serve only as an example of our house style and are not indicative of the bouquet that will be made. Our florist’s choice blooms might vary dependent on availability.
Please note this item is available for Click and Collect only. Simply select Saltaire collection in the checkout and we will contact you to arrange a convenient time for collection.